My Hispanic heritage has helped me become visible. I realized there weren’t many brown skin Latina influencers, and this only pushed me to strive to create more representation within the influencer industry. I decided to be unapologetically Latina! I now understand the value of diversity. However, this wasn’t always the case. So many of us, myself included, grow up thinking that our differences make us weak when those are our greatest strengths. I decided to be myself and use it to open doors. I’m never afraid to share my culture and roots on my social media; it’s what I love sharing the most. I love showcasing our traditional dishes, our traditional dancing, and so much more. I am proud to be Latina; this is OUR time to shine!
My parents are my inspiration for everything! Both of my parents came from Ecuador at a very young age leaving behind their parents, families, friends, and everything they knew all because they wanted better. My father went on to study in California at night while working during the day and on weekends. My father knew zero English before coming here, and although he faced many obstacles along the way, he has accomplished so much. I am forever proud of my daddy; he built his own company, gave us everything we’ve ever needed, and so much more. My mother arrived at 19 years old, surpassed every obstacle thrown her way, and met my father and his family, who also became her family here in New York. Although I never faced the same obstacles, I never forget where I come from. I would not be in the position I am without all their hard work, sacrifice, and determination. I am a product of hard-working immigrant parents who came here with a dream.
I love how we love, hug, care, and genuinely show it through affection and cooking. No matter how small the table is, we always make room for one more. It’s something I’m most proud of. We will make anyone feel right at home. I’ve strived to do this with my platform. I always want to ensure my community feels included.
Bad Bunny is my ultimate favorite celebrity of all time. His music is one thing, but it’s what he’s done for the Hispanic community that I love most. Hispanic music has always been a vibe, but because of Bad Bunny, Hispanic music is not getting overlooked. I love how many obstacles Bad Bunny surpasses without trying to fit in and give up who he truly is. I LOVED how Bad Bunny told the crowd at this year’s Made in America Festival, “Made in America, Latinos make America.”
No one is you, and that is your superpower! There can be hundreds, if not thousands, of Tiffany’s, but none of them will ever be me. Be you, always! Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. You are worthy and valuable, just as you are!
I love spending time with my family. I always tell myself that as I continue getting older, so do they, and time spent together is a luxury that not everyone is fortunate to have.
I would define my style as a mix of preppy and casual streetwear. However, I love playing with fashion and still go for looks that I don’t necessarily think will look good on me. The best part about playing with style is that I end up surprising myself.
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That’s easy! I love that b.tempt’d stands for empowering women. The two main things that I am constantly sharing and always include in every single one of my posts are women empowering women and positive vibes! I love that the b.tempt’d mission is to support every woman by doing what we do best so that we are empowered to go out and do what we do best!